Cyber Security Training
Cyber Security is an ever increasing threat for all business. Just because you have not been threatened yet does not mean its not as likely to become ubiquitous as any other mass public threat.
This is mainly due to the increase of globalisation and our inter-connected world. Without some central or heavy central oversight, or vigilance on behalf of individuals, the organised crime threat becomes even more wide spread.
Hackers are able to take advantage of territorial secrecy to make even more brazen attempts to harvest data and black mail the public.
The government know this, which is why government departments are now overseen by The Security Services MI5 and GCHQ.
They have put out a training syllabus which we are able to follow and instruct both the public and students in to better prepare yourself for the inevitable tomorrow.
For interest in any respect we can help.
Our Cyber Security Training
We are able to offer cyber security training and even accredited training through our training programme. This is the industry standard in the UK set by MI5 and GCHQ.
Our skill set and offers are listed as follows:
1. What is Cyber Security
2. What We offer
3. Accredited training
4. Course description
5. Background of educators
6. What can be achieved with graduation.
7. More on MI5 and GCHQ.
Our list begins with a description of cyber security so lets begin there.
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber essentially refers to human interaction with machines, namely computers. The security aspect is around the software that governs that interaction and prevents information breeches not desired by the programmers.
The human emphasis is here because hacking is mostly done through some human agency, whether it is physical access to a fire wall or giving up of passwords accidentally.
Now lets look at what we offer:
What we offer?
We offer training that shadows the Ofsted endorsed course set down by the security service currently the standard followed by the NHS and other government departments. It works around following standards and well placed code and does not favour one script over the other as many assume.
Further information
Free Training page
Web Design training page